Dalrymple, K. E., Ladwig, P., Brossard, D., & Scheufele, D. A. (2011, May). Powerful pictures: Examining the effects of visual priming on public perceptions of controversial science information. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Phoenix, AZ.
Kim, J., Ladwig, P., Anderson, A. A., Xenos, M. A., Brossard, D., & Scheufele, D. A. (2011, May). Public acceptance of nanotechnology: How ideology and trust in safety systems moderate the effect of benefit perceptions on federal funding support. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Phoenix, AZ.
Ladwig, P., Choi, D. H., Anderson, A. A., Cacciatore, M., Liang, X., Brossard, D., Scheufele, D. A., Dudo, A., & Xenos, M. A. (2011, May). Coverage of emerging technologies: A comparison between print and online media. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Liang, X., Ladwig, P., Brossard, D., & Scheufele, D. A. (2011, May). Issue framing online: A content analysis of Google’s result page. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Liang, X., Ladwig, P., Brossard, D., & Scheufele, D. A. (2011, November).The effect of perceived online disagreement on strength of opinion about emerging technologies. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL.
Xenos, M. A., Becker, A. B., Anderson, A. A., Brossard, D., & Scheufele, D. A.(2011, May).Stimulating upstream engagement: An experimental study of nanotechnology information-seeking. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.